Jay Leno returns to your grandparents' TVs this week at 11:35 EST, and something about his lineup makes me think that maybe, just maybe, he understands how unpopular he is right now and he's totally running with it.
In week one we see actors like Jamie Foxx, we see Olympic athletes, no surprises. But we also see Sarah Palin, Brett Favre, and the cast of Jersey Shore in a very special Jaywalking segment. Who's going to come on next week? Jon Gosselin? John Mayer? That Russian mulleted fancylad who keeps bitching about his silver figureskating medal?
Seriously, Palin and Favre aren't doing anything promotion-worthy right now, and the Jersey Whores seem to be winding down the publicity tour that took them to such incongruous places as Ellen, The View, and a community college, so what else could explain their presence on Chinny McBobblehead's Lukewarm Talk Hour? Is he getting notes on douchebaggery? Learning how to alienate the most people in the shortest amount of time? I think he sees the picture we've painted of him, and he's saying "You want it? You got it."
Jay Leno is giving us, not the talk show host we need, but the talk show host we deserve.
Next up? Justin Bieber.
ReplyDeleteNooooo! Why does this kid keep popping up? You have no idea how many hits I get on this site from people searching him in Google. And I guess he did an interview for Popcorn Magazine or something with the word popcorn, which is why they get sent here. Which is awesome. I can only imagine the tears of a 13-year old girl as she reads that someone out there doesn't like her OMG #1 CRUSH! PS my heart runs on 13-year old girl tears.